
  • Release r160
  * Changed ASM code in object.h and objimpl.h to set r13 before jumping into a possible Python library code.
    Now using r14 to save r13 before jumping than using stack. In some conditions, the compiler generated some
    wrong code using a corrupted C stack.


  • Release r152
  * Fixed Arexx and time module.
  * [distutils] added r13 saving gcc opt + minors.
  * Fixed sys.path generating to support PROGDIR:Lib and python*.zip correctly.
  * Removed libdl needs for _ctypes module on MorphOS.
  * Fixed zlib module build.
  * Fixed subprocess inclusing causing exception (unfinished module).


  • Release r144
  * Fixed stupid bug in dynamic modules compilation (bad GCC option used).
  * Fixed also pyexpat (Gribouillis2 crashed by using it).


  • Release r139
  * Important change: os.altsep is no longer defined on MorphOS port (it gives None now).
    Please check if your scripts work as expected.


  • Release r138
  * fixed library revision number (was used minor number).
  * Changed time.clock() to use ReadEClock() (more precision).
  * More libc functions from the application itself exported to the core library.
  * Minor fixes.


  • Release r133
    • little fix to remove NULL pointer read access.


  • Release r132
  • Builded using GCC-4.4.4 with MorphOS SDK2
  • WARNING: ALL modules and thirdparties containing C modules (.pym files) shall be recompiled using the SDK included in this release! All thirdparties on this wiki shall be re-installed. Without this your system will crash!


  • Release r129 (replace broken r114)
  • Builded using GCC 4.4.3!
  • Fixed unicode default encoding of filesystem as latin-1.
  • Fixed thread support.
  • Fixed errno code checks in morphosmodule (caused some exceptions with errno=0).


  • Fixed some memory looses(specialy in ctypes, 2MB saved!): release r101


  • 2.5.4-Final released!
  • New PIL build to use MorphOS 2.x shared libs.


  • 2.5.4-Beta-3 released! See it in download section.
  • New PIL build for this version.


  • Welcome to the new site design!
  • Greats modifications to permit usage of differents Python major versions on the same system.
  • Have back ported some changes made during the portage of Python 3.1.1 into the 2.5.4 SVN branch:
    • The library file is named python2.library.
    • The interpreter binary is named python2.5.
    • In the SDK, the pyconfig.h has been moved from include/ to include/python2.5.
    • Some obsolete functions or func-as-macros have been removed from the library FDs and clib.
  • Release soon!

en/dev/python/rel2x/historic.txt · Dernière modification: 2011/11/06 21:40 par Yomgui