[17]   Reset zoom crash and bad behaviour

ID: 17 Project: GB3
Severity: Medium Medium Product: Normal
Status: Solved Solved Version: 3.1.496
Reported by: Yomgui created: 2012-02-07 1:41:52
Assigned to: Administrator modified: 2012-02-07 2:14:23
Reporter Details
Name: Yomgui
Initial description
got this when function is called (and result is not correct):

Sources:Projects/gb3/view/pymui/docviewer.py:493: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
self._docvp.pixbuf.scroll(dx, dy)
Sources:Projects/gb3/view/viewport.py:338: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
Sources:Projects/gb3/view/viewport.py:339: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
Links to symptom files
1. symptoms 1
2. symptoms 2
3. symptoms 3
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en/dev/gb3/issues.txt · Dernière modification: 2011/10/20 12:58 par Yomgui